Top Blockchain Certifications to Propel Your Career in 2022

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A few years ago, blockchain seemed like an alien concept in the domain of technology. Surprisingly, around 2.8% of the world's population uses blockchain technology today in many applications. The global spending on blockchain solutions reached $6.6 billion in 2021 and could grow up to $11.7 billion in 2022.

The massive potential for developing a career in blockchain has been drawing many aspiring professionals towards blockchain courses and certifications. If you want to become a blockchain professional, then you have to find suitable certifications to guide your career. The following post offers you an introduction to some of the reliable blockchain certifications you can use for your career.

Popular Blockchain Certifications for Your Career

Blockchain technology has successfully tapped into the interests and career priorities of many tech professionals and young students. The average annual salary of a certified blockchain expert ranges from $170,000. Therefore, a blockchain career path is a top pick for aspiring professionals in the field of technology. You can ensure guaranteed success in navigating a blockchain career path with the necessary certifications to prove your skills.

Blockchain certifications can help you prove that you could help the employer achieve desired objectives with their blockchain-based projects. Therefore, you need to choose blockchain certifications carefully to ensure better results for your blockchain career. Here is an outline of the popular certifications on 101 Blockchains you would like to try for your career.

1.    Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional

The outline of top blockchain certifications on 101 Blockchains would start with the Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional or CEBP certification. CEBP is unique in the fact that it prepares a candidate for business-side roles in blockchain. The certification helps you build skills in dealing with the implementation of blockchain for business clients.

Important topics in the CEBP certification training course focus on core aspects underlying blockchain technology and the whole ecosystem. CEBP-certified candidates can have a better idea about the ideal blockchain platforms for pursuing blockchain implementation. Most important of all, the certification training course also helps in developing skills for using updated tools for blockchain transformation.   

2.    Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect

101 Blockchains offers the most popular blockchain certification for aspiring blockchain developers in the form of CEBA certification. The Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect certification is a comprehensive learning resource for any blockchain developer. Candidates can go through all the concepts associated with blockchain architecture you would need for development.

The CEBA certification training course explains the fundamentals of preparing a blockchain platform for development and selection of appropriate blockchain systems. Learners can also use the certification training course for a better understanding of differences between public and permissioned blockchain platforms. 

3.    Certified Blockchain Security Expert

The Certified Blockchain Security Expert or CBSE certification is one of the best blockchain certifications available for proving your skills in blockchain security. Security is one of the fundamental tenets of blockchain technology, with the advantages of cryptography.

However, blockchain applications could feature multiple vulnerabilities, thereby leading to security concerns. The CBSE certification helps you prove your knowledge about blockchain cryptography fundamentals and blockchain threat modeling. In addition, the certification training course also delivers productive insights on blockchain system testing alongside security for blockchain platforms.

4.    Certified NFT Professional

Non-fungible tokens are one of the trending topics in the web3 and blockchain communities worldwide. Learners can also capitalize on the opportunity to become an NFT expert with the Certified NFT Professional certification. The CNFTP certification qualifies as one of the top blockchain certifications with detailed insights on NFTs. Most important of all, the certification training course delivers something of value by helping you learn how to create, buy and sell NFTs.

5.    Certified Metaverse Professional    

The Certified Metaverse Professional certification is another popular blockchain certification you can find on 101 Blockchains. It can serve as a beginner’s guide to the metaverse as well as insights on practical use of the metaverse. As the metaverse continues to develop, a certification as a metaverse professional could serve vital improvement to your professional portfolio. The CMP certification training course helps you learn about the metaverse, its benefits, challenges and best practices for interacting with the metaverse.

Final Words

The detailed outline of the blockchain certifications on 101 Blockchains for propelling your career in blockchain features some promising choices. You can choose the certifications on 101 Blockchains according to your career objectives and capitalize on their benefits. However, you must have a clear idea about the career path, which can ensure the best results for your career. Start learning more about blockchain and choose a certification to boost your blockchain career in 2022. 

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